This is one of those days that I just love being a teacher. Why you might ask - because it's a snow day!!! So I'm enjoying this lazy time before the baby's here to get some things organized around the house - or procrastinate doing those things and sit on the couch watching TV instead! But I'm watching "A Baby Story" and "Bringing Home Baby" so that would count as preparing for the baby right? Haha...
Anyways, the countdown is on - 6 days until we find out the sex of baby W! It's all starting to feel more real: We should be able to start calling the baby "he" or "she" soon instead of just "it" :) and I have definitely felt the baby moving! I mostly feel it at night but sometimes during the day too. It's so exciting! Since I've been feeling better the past few weeks, I sometimes almost forget that I'm pregnant. The baby moving is a wonderful reminder that he or she is there and growing. It's amazing to think how big the baby is now. I remember when it was the size of an apple seed! We're up to a mango now:
That's it for now. Stay posted for the big news!!!